Call for endorsement

Call for endorsement of the Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences.

This call is for you if:

– you are an African student who is interested in gaining a research experience (MSc or PhD) in Planetary or Space Sciences (PSS).
– you are a young or senior researcher with expertise in PSS and you are interested in giving lectures in Africa, in outreach activities or in co-supervising African students in PSS topics.
– you are an Africa-based researcher who is willing to start, develop or strengthen a PSS activity in your laboratory
– you are interested in participating in a large pan-African network of PSS scientists
– you are willing to be a sponsor or partner of this project, either personally or as an institution.

Once you have signed the call here, you will receive regular information about the development of the initiative and related opportunities for collaborative research, education and capacity building.

Please fill the form below to endorse this initiative. By signing up, you agree to appear on the list of endorsements.

For institutional endorsement, please contact directly David Baratoux (coordinator) at, or one of the co-authors of the EOS articles.